
Term life

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Family walking through a forestLast month's New Year celebrations had good cause; we have a chance to be grateful for the years behind us as we look forward to the years ahead. Chances are, as we clinked champagne glasses with friends and family, the idea of not being around to celebrate with them next year never crossed our minds.
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No one revels in the delights of summer like a kid. Michigan schools are out, the sun is high and hot, and the long days are filled with light and the prospect of innumerable adventures. In fact, because there is so much potential for adventure-much of it unsupervised-many parents opt to enroll their kids in one or more summer camps in hopes that having a set schedule and a series of planned activities in which to participate will keep the youngsters out of trouble and, most importantly, out of harm's way. But summer seems to invite as many childhood accidents as it does moments of bliss, and no matter how structured a kid's summer is, a certain amount of mishaps are inevitable. The warm weather inspires a whole new slew of activities, many of which require an increased attention to safety on the part of both kids and parents. Use the following three tips to keep kids safer this summer:
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Sometimes, what appears to be an impenetrably solid roof above your head actually has little openings through which the rain can leak. The same is true of some car insurance and homeowner's insurance policies; they can appear to provide sufficient coverage, but, in the event of an accident of some sort, you may find yourself drowning in debt. To avoid getting soaked by surprising expenses, use an umbrella; umbrella insurance, that is.
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For a long time, most devoted exercisers have adhered to the rule that a sustained stretch of aerobic exercise-one that kept your heart pounding for at least 10 minutes-was what garnered the desired results: a healthy weight and a fit body, not to mention less money shelled out on health insurance co-payments!
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