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A woman with a dog working from homeWhether you specialize in carpentry, web design, or accounting, the availability of online resources and professional networks enables almost anyone to engage with potential clients and manage essential day-to-day business tasks independently. This growing pool of freelancers and self-employed professionals has simplified the process for employers, making it easier than ever to hire independent contractors to fulfill specific business needs.
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As a business owner in Michigan, you have the option of hiring contract or permanent employees – and many more businesses are using contract workers while sorting out the uncertainty in the economy. A contract employee is essentially a freelancer who has agreed to work for you for a mutually-agreed upon period of time, which may be extended if you see fit. A permanent employee has been hired with the understanding that he or she will go on working for you until a termination or a resignation. Both types of employees have their advantages and disadvantages. Some of the advantages of contract employees, however, are illusory.
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Medium Sized Business 2 peopleWe've said it before: the distinction between a small and large business is somewhat arbitrary. At what point in the business growth life cycle do you cross over? One way to answer the question is when your business no longer qualifies for a Business Owners Package Policy. The BOP bundles up several kinds of insurance protection in one policy. But as business become larger the risks they pose become more varied and difficult to address in one policy.
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View of a neighborhoodConsidering the barrage of daily concerns, your homeowner's insurance policy may be the last thing on your mind. And yet, examining and reevaluating home insurance policies on an annual basis is a critical facet of homeownership, ensuring adequate coverage and protection for the most valuable asset and source of equity for many people in Michigan and beyond. Premiums, like much else in the current economic climate, are forecasted to see some big increases in the coming year, with some expected to exceed $1,000 a year and many slated for rate hikes in the double digits.
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Avoiding Remodeling MishapsSummer's generally agreeable weather and extended daylight hours in Michigan make it an ideal season to tackle renovations, remodels, and other household fix-its. Still, these projects aren't without inherent challenges and risks. A little due diligence at the onset can do much to minimize unhappy surprises and make for successful, stress-free (or, at least, as close as it gets) renovations.
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How to Avoid a Corporate LawsuitAn impending lawsuit is never good news. Not only are they costly, but, perhaps worse, they can permanently damage a company's reputation, an expense no business can easily afford during highly competitive consumer and employee markets like the current. While companies are sued for a range of reasons, there are a few recurring culprits that can be avoided with appropriate planning, clear communication, and due diligence.
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Back to Work: Considerations for re-opening the officeWhen COVID-19 shut the entire world down two years ago, many wondered how businesses would pivot and persist. As closures and restrictions continued far beyond anyone's initial projections, it became obvious that "business as usual" was going to be anything but. And, while the transition to a remote model for schools and businesses throughout the world was an unprecedented shift with no real map for structure or outcomes, many made the adjustment with relative ease and found the remote model was not without benefit. Now, as the corporate world attempts a return to what was, it faces a number of concerns and considerations, not the least of which being a pool of employees that might rather remain remote.
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Business: Small Business Advice from Big-Time ExecutivesInternet queries for advice about finding success in life, love, and business consistently top trending charts, while self-help titles touting one route or another as the road to greatness never fail to make their mark on the New York Times Bestsellers list. So, if you've ever wondered how to make that proverbial lemonade from the lot of lemons life may have dealt you, here are some bits of entrepreneurial wisdom from some of the world's most successful people.
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Today many of us have a multitude of passwords to keep track of at work and at home. As passwords multiply it is easy to succumb to the temptation of using easy to guess words or simply leaving a sticky note on your computer. But these are generally bad ideas. Better is to come up with a strong password and keep it secret.

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Marty Gross

All About Agua: Water Safety for HomeownersYou hear a lot about water conservation lately, but what about water quality? Where does a household's water even come from, how is it maintained, and how can you know if it's safe for you and your family? Here's what you need to know about the water in your home, and what might indicate a problem

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Marty Gross

Safety Tips: Buying and Selling OnlineThis year, many of us got a much more up close and personal relationship with our families, our houses, and our things. And many of us realized: we have way too much of all three. While you can't get rid of your 6-year-old or your spouse, there are plenty of places you can go to unload excess stuff.

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All About WarrantiesIn many cases, a warranty can seem like a sneaky way for manufacturers to squeeze a few extra bucks out of their customers. In some cases, purchasing a warranty might actually be a good idea. Whether you're thinking about signing up for a warranty on a major purchase, or deciding whether to pay a few extra bucks for a warranty on a small appliance while standing in line at Target, here's what you need to know in order to make the best decision.

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Maintaining Business VehiclesWhether you use a single vehicle or an entire fleet for your business, keeping them running smoothly is critical to fulfilling your business goals. And if employees are using those vehicles, that adds in another layer of complexity. Here's what you need to know about how to keep your business vehicles well maintained, and keep your employees safe on the job while using them.

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Tips for Achieving and Maintaining Good CreditWe all start the New Year vowing to do better, with our health, our relationships, and of course, our finances. But how do you even begin to make improvements if your financial situation is far less than ideal? And if you're on the right track, how do you keep it going? Here's what you need to know about building and maintaining good credit.

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married couple and moneyFinance and romance, both can make people crazy. Put them together and you might just double the insanity. If you're in a committed relationship, however, there's no way around it. Whether you're already married or on your way, here are some tips for managing your money as a couple:
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head concussionIn early February, the U.S. celebrates the truly American sport of football. Recently we've heard some pretty tragic stories about the effects of head injuries on professional football players but did you know that regular people who play contact sports or participate in activities like skateboarding or snowboarding are also at risk? Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about sports-related head injuries and how to reduce your risk:
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Cyber Security GraphicMuch of our lives are spent online these days, so it only makes sense that insurance companies are starting to offer products to help protect consumers from the significant losses that can occur related to their online activity. And it's not just identity theft that's covered by these new cyber insurance and related "cyber loss" policies. Here are a few of the most popular new coverages to protect yourself online and ultimately, off.
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Money ManagementFor the average American, it's nearly impossible to get by in the modern world without taking on some debt. But, used wisely, debt can be a part of a healthy financial picture and not a chain around your neck. Keep reading to learn the difference between good debt and bad debt, what to do about old debts, and how to choose which debts to take on in the future.
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Older couple on boatIf you're heading for retirement or even if it's a ways off, you might already be writing that bucket list of things to do and places to see as soon as you don't have to show up to work every day. But before that happy day arrives, there's a different list of things you should cross off to ensure that your golden years are truly carefree.
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Business Insurance Specialist Milford MI

Last week, we discussed what other personal belongings you may want to insure separately. Here, let's look at some business assets that might warrant additional coverage.

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White Lake Snowmobile Insurance Expert

If You Live In White Lake Michigan And Own A Snowmobile See Schoen Insurance For Your Insurance and Head ToISHPEMING

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A study published just last month explains that it isn't merely a lack of physical exercise that leads to poor cardiovascular health. It turns out that the very act of sitting is also hard on the heart, even in a person who exercises.
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Reduce Employee Health Costs by promoting exerciseBusiness owners can reap significant financial rewards by fostering a culture of health among employees at their workplaces. A recent study of PPG Industries, a large, Pennsylvania-based company founded in 1883, was published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. The study showed that employee health costs were reduced after the company implemented a program designed to inspire employees to become actively involved improving their health. The company adopted new policies and created an environment that was tailored to encouraging employees' positive health behaviors. Particular emphasis was placed on prevention and modification of risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Even if your business is a fraction of the size of PPG Industries, you might consider echoing their effort to create a culture of health among your employees. Who knows, you could save more than money; you may even save (or at least enhance) a few lives!
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Snow shoveling is not for the faint of heart-literally. According to Dr. Thomas Esposito of Loyola University's Stritch School of Medicine, an average of 11,500 people visit U.S. emergency rooms each year for mishaps resultant from snow shoveling. Heart attacks, broken bones, and back injuries are just a few common consequences of shoveling sessions gone wrong. Bumps, blisters, sprains, and lacerations are also oft-cited injuries. And then there are the fatalities! Who knew this everyday wintertime chore could pose such danger?
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• Keep your gas tank at least half full to avoid gas line freeze up and ensure that you have extra “running time” if the weather is unfavorable.

• Be sure you have the proper amount of antifreeze in your vehicle. Antifreeze works to prevent engine block freezing.

• If door locks are frozen, be sure to warm the key or use a lock de-icer. Be sure to never combine heat with lock de-icer as it is flammable. Don’t pour warm water on the car as it may re-freeze, making the situation worse.

• Schoen Insurance Agency, Inc. recommends warming up your vehicle for at least 10 to 15 minutes before heading out. Warming your vehicle allows oil and the engine to warm up, as well as the heat and defrosting systems. At all times, make sure the exhaust pipe isn’t clogged with snow, ice or mud. A blocked exhaust or exhaust system leak could cause deadly carbon monoxide to leak into the passenger compartment with the engine running.

• Consider winter wiper blades and “no-freeze” windshield washer fluid. Motorists should replace worn wiper blades and always carry extra windshield washer fluid.

• Protect your vehicle from the cold by using a garage if available. Heat from a recently driven vehicle’s engine will warm the ambient air in a properly insulated garage and make your vehicle easier to start in the morning; plus, your vehicle will also be clear of ice and snow.

• Be sure your vehicle is fully equipped with a Michigan winter driving kit. The most important safety items are a fully charged cellular telephone and emergency road service coverage; small bag of abrasive material (sand, salt, “non-clumping” kitty litter); a small snow shovel; snow brush and ice scraper; traction mats; flashlight with batteries; windshield washer fluid; cloth or roll of paper towels; booster cables; blanket; protective clothing – heavy gloves, scarf, warm boots; warning devices (triangles); first aid kit.

For all of your insurance related questions, call or contact Schoen Insurance Agency today.

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Nobody in Highland, Michigan wants poor old Santa to emerge from the chimney looking like a scary, sooty monster. Now that the weather is truly chilly and the generous man from the North Pole is on his way, it's time to think about your chimney and/or make sure your wood stove is in fine working order. Hiring professionals to do this for you is certainly one option, but during a time of year when your pocketbook is already likely to be a bit on the depleted side, you may be motivated to do it yourself. Here are some tips for safe and effective DIY assessment and cleaning of chimneys and wood stoves:
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Asbestos is a hidden health hazard that can lurk right in the place where you should feel the safest: home. While those who work in the construction industry are considered the most vulnerable to asbestos exposure, especially repeated exposure, it's important to keep in mind that even very limited exposure-such as what you might experience during a simple renovation project-can have long-term negative effects. Make it a priority to prevent you and your family members from coming into contact with this dangerous material.
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Sometimes, what appears to be an impenetrably solid roof above your head actually has little openings through which the rain can leak. The same is true of some car insurance and homeowner's insurance policies; they can appear to provide sufficient coverage, but, in the event of an accident of some sort, you may find yourself drowning in debt. To avoid getting soaked by surprising expenses, use an umbrella; umbrella insurance, that is.
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As a small business owner in Michigan, you've likely invested significant time, imagination, and money into getting your enterprise off the ground. Sure, maybe you're not a big company with dozens of employees and stockholders. Maybe, in fact, you're the only employee. But you still have plenty to lose, and after all your efforts, it would be awful to suffer the financial and emotional blow of being sued by a patron or client. This is why liability insurance is so crucial, even for the littlest of businesses.
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Who doesn’t love a vacation? At Schoen Insurance Agency, Inc., we have the Travel Insurance you need to feel protected on your trip. While planning that well need getaway, do not forget to insure the unpredictable.Through unanticipated travel delays, bad weather, lost luggage and medical emergencies in foreign countries, Schoen Insurance Agency, Inc. in Highland, MI 48357 can have you feeling worry free from the time to purchase your flight to the time you get home safely.
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Contractors And Builders are people, too. What does that mean? Well, even though they may have licenses and many years of experience in their profession, they are fallible. There are good ones and bad ones. Some are ethical and honest, while others seem to be missing a conscience. Just as you would be careful about choosing a nanny, a personal accountant, or a used car salesman, so should you use caution in selecting a contractor before you begin that home building project, renovation, or repair. Here are some good tips to avoid getting taken for a ride:
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According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, driver distractions are a contributing cause in approximately 25 percent of all motor vehicle crashes or about 1.2 million accidents. However, distractions can be hard to quantify, and the number of accidents due to driver distractions is difficult to define. What can further complicate matters is that there may be more than one distraction, such as texting while chastising a child in the backseat. Cell phones are considered one of the leading driver distractions. As a result, more communities are placing restrictions on drivers' use of cell phones. And more states are now passing laws banning the practice of texting while driving. The U.S. Congress is even considering a federal law related to this ban. The following tips are offered to motorists in regards to cell phone use in vehicles.
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Yes. Floods, earthquakes, and acts of terrorism are typically not included in coverage.
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Risk management is the process of identifying, assessing, and controlling risks to an organization. It is important for businesses of all sizes to have a risk management plan in place to protect themselves from financial losses.
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What is "Identity Theft" or "Identity Fraud"? Simply, identity theft is committed when another person's name, Social Security number or other personal information is used to apply for credit, buy goods and services, or commit other fraud. Identity theft is now a federal crime and recently stiffened penalties were put in place but you should still take measures to protect yourself. And if you should be victimized there are steps you can take to minimize your loss.
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