

The following blog posts have the category Retirement

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Caring for Elderly Family MembersTaking care of elderly parents? Here's how to keep them safe and stay sane. Having the opportunity to spend time with and give back to your elderly parents can be an unexpected gift. But as rewarding as it is, it can also be exhausting, frustrating, and dispiriting at times. Here are some ways to stay sane and enjoy time with your loved ones while you still have them.

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Creating a COVID Budget: Tips for spending & saving during hard timesAlthough some in the U.S. have been fortunate enough to make it through the past eight months with their bank accounts intact, there's no doubt that many of us have struggled financially this year. Many have lost jobs, been forced to temporarily move in with relatives, or just found that they couldn't quite make ends meet. While the end of the pandemic (or at least the worst of it) seems to be in sight, many of us will still be struggling with the financial fallout for some time. Here are some ways you can work to stay within your budget while money is still tight.
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married couple and moneyFinance and romance, both can make people crazy. Put them together and you might just double the insanity. If you're in a committed relationship, however, there's no way around it. Whether you're already married or on your way, here are some tips for managing your money as a couple:
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Older coupleWhen the last of the children head off to college or out on their own, some parents, although sad, breathe a sigh of relief. For many, getting the kids out of the house will immediately relieve some serious financial stress. But it's important to be smart with how you handle that extra income so that you're setting yourself and your children up for a secure future. Here's what to do when your dependents become independent:
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Older couple on boatIf you're heading for retirement or even if it's a ways off, you might already be writing that bucket list of things to do and places to see as soon as you don't have to show up to work every day. But before that happy day arrives, there's a different list of things you should cross off to ensure that your golden years are truly carefree.
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Clean Up Personal FinancesSpring is a great time to clear away the clutter and freshen your living and working spaces for the year ahead. Why not borrow the idea and give your personal finances a thorough "cleaning" too?
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Sometimes, what appears to be an impenetrably solid roof above your head actually has little openings through which the rain can leak. The same is true of some car insurance and homeowner's insurance policies; they can appear to provide sufficient coverage, but, in the event of an accident of some sort, you may find yourself drowning in debt. To avoid getting soaked by surprising expenses, use an umbrella; umbrella insurance, that is.
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