
Annual review

Your personal insurance needs change and there is no way to know if you are benefiting from all available discounts or if your insurance coverage fits your current needs without a review. That's why we do them for our clients.

And we have made it easy. A few basic questions may be all we need to cover, and most people can get through those in just two or three minutes. Of course, we would love to have you stop in or talk to us by phone, but if you are pressed for time, you can get started right from your smartphone or tablet.

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We have also organized some information from our library of blog posts that illustrate why a review may be important for you.

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A person working from homeTechnology and social trends have driven a wave of telecommuting. Many of us work at home at least on some days while some may work from home all the time. For that reason, more and more homes contain a designated office area; with increasing frequency that area is a room.
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View of a neighborhoodConsidering the barrage of daily concerns, your homeowner's insurance policy may be the last thing on your mind. And yet, examining and reevaluating home insurance policies on an annual basis is a critical facet of homeownership, ensuring adequate coverage and protection for the most valuable asset and source of equity for many people in Michigan and beyond. Premiums, like much else in the current economic climate, are forecasted to see some big increases in the coming year, with some expected to exceed $1,000 a year and many slated for rate hikes in the double digits.
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Manage Personal Automobile Insurance CostsAs prices for gas, consumer products and services rise often insurance costs follow the same trend. Insurance premiums for car insurance can vary based on multiple factors. Here are 8 tips to think about when trying to lower your car insurance premium.
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Re-evaluating Your Business InsuranceA comprehensive business insurance policy is a must for any business owner. But under what circumstances do you need to take another look at that policy and make important adjustments? Here are some instances when it would be a good idea to revisit your business insurance plan and add to, or change, your coverage.

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End of the Year Insurance ChecklistAs the end of the year approaches, it's a good time to take inventory, reflect on the past, and make plans for future goals. You might consider your relationships, professional life, health, financial situation, or all of the above. Don't forget to also take stock of your insurance coverage and make necessary adjustments based on things that have changed over the past year. Here are some of the most important areas to consider:

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Many parents rightly experience a strong anxiety when turning over the car keys to their new teen driver. There are a several things a parent can do to make sure that the teenage driving experience is a safe one. First, teenagers need to understand that driving is a privilege, not a right. With privileges come certain responsibilities. It is best to make those responsibilities and the consequences for not meeting them as clear as possible. One way to do that is with an actual contract between parents and teenagers built around the concept of graduated licensing and restrictions for high risk situations.

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Insurance policies are made to be customized for a reason. The business executive has more income and assets to protect from liability claims than the recent college graduate. Families have more people to think about than young single people or an empty nester. And it is worth noting that the single person, the recent college graduate, the business executive and the empty nester can all be the same different times. We all have different pursuits, different incomes, different bank balances at different points in time. The insurance policies that make up your insurance program - your blanket of protection - need to be tweaked from time-to-time so that you are getting the right protection and benefiting from all available discounts.
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Homeowners Insurance Advisor White Lake MI

If you're a proud homeowner in Michigan, having the right insurance is critical to your peace of mind. Before you purchase a policy, however, it's important to have a clear understanding of what homeowner's insurance does and does not cover. If you have specific concerns about your home or its location, it's likely that you can insure your home against these risks as long as you know which level of coverage or supplemental policy is required.

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Personal Insurance Professional Oakland County

Have you heard of supermodels insuring their legs or singers taking out a policy on their priceless vocal chords? That's probably not necessary for most people, but many of us probably do have a few valuables that can and should be insured separately.

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Landscaping Professional Highland MI

For those of us in Michiganwith a yard to take care of, by the end of summer, your outdoor living spaces are probably looking pretty sharp. You may have spent a lot of time and money on the outcome, but did you know that your homeowner's policy may value high quality plants, mature trees, and landscaping at just a fraction of what they are worth? Fortunately, there are things that you can do to protect your precious live assets. Here's more information:

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Bundling Specialist Highland MI

From cell phone contracts to Internet packages, bundling is a popular way for companies of all kinds to hook you into multiple services, usually at a discount to you. Insurance companies are no exception, and bundling policies can often lead to significant savings and a streamlined experience for the consumer. But if you don't read carefully, you may end up with a policy that costs the same or more than maintaining separate policies and really doesn't save you much time or inconvenience at all.

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Michigan Home Protect Expert

Maintenance for your vacation or second home is pretty much the same as for your primary residence. There are a few reasons why you may need to take a few extra measures with your second home. You are most likely away from your vacation home for periods of time and, if you have nearby neighbors, they may be away from their homes during the same intervals. Many vacation homes are situated 'away from it all' so, if something were to happen to your home, it's possible no one would notice until too late.

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Red hearts, chocolate, lace, and roses: it's that time of year again. With February comes Valentine's Day, and with Valentine's Day comes thoughts of love. While Valentine's Day emphasizes romantic love, or eros-the kind of love that results when Cupid's arrow penetrates a heart and inspires swoony, smitten feelings of attraction and desire-it's also a time to celebrate other forms of love, like the love a parent has for a child, the love between friends, or the quiet, strong and steady love between long-married spouses. Indeed, Valentine's Day is a time to honor all kinds of love.
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Insurance can be a tricky business. Shopping for can feel intimidating because there are so many providers and plans to choose from, so much fine print...and so many misconceptions! Yes, myths abound in the insurance world, and they are perpetuated as readily and colorfully as any fairy tales or legends.
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Hosting a holiday party in MichiganThe invitations have been sent, the hors d'oeuvres ordered, the house decorated, and the liquor cabinet replenished. You're ready to host a fabulous holiday party! Before you open the front door to a flurry of friends and family, however, make sure that you have the necessary insurance in place.
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piggy bankIn these cost-conscious days, everyone is trying to save money wherever and whenever they can. It seems that people may especially look to their insurance policies as a place to realize some savings.
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Nanny With KidsIf you have a domestic employee, such as a gardener, housekeeper, or nanny, who drives his or her own auto while working for you, there is a potential for you to incur liability arising from their driving that would not be adequately insured. If your employee negligently causes an accident, you as the employer can be drawn into the lawsuit and held liable. Your employee’s own insurance, if any, will protect you up to its policy limits, but you are on your own after that. And your personal auto policy may not respond to cover the difference. The courts have ruled in different ways on these types of loss situations.
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Yes. Floods, earthquakes, and acts of terrorism are typically not included in coverage.
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woman in wheelchairLong Term Care Insurance (LTC) is designed to reimburse you for expenses for everyday living assistance, should something happen to you. Traditional medical insurance and Medicare will not cover extra costs should you need help with activities we take for granted like bathing, eating or simply getting out of bed. LTC insurance options can provide for nursing home costs as well as home health care and assisted living.
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homeowners6 tips to manage yo ur homeowner premium:
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